[2006-05-01|12:57 p.m.]

dear diary,

im using you.

Wilson�s 14 Points, January 1919

Woodrow Wilson, former US president made a list of 14 recommendations for political and economic reconstruction. These points outlined self determination, cooperation, disarmament, and collective security.

Treaty of Versailles, June 1919

This treaty was designed to achieve and end to war. It determined the need for Germany to pay war reparations of nearly $33,000,000,000, alongside returning Alsace-Lorraine to France, creating Poland from West Prussia, and restricting the German military. The treaty was negotiated in Paris by David Lloyd George of Britain, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, Georges Clemenceau of France, and Woodrow Wilson of the US.

New Baltic States created, 1918-1920

Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were created as an end result of WWI. These countries alongside Denmark, Finland, Germany, Poland, Russia, and Sweden are presently all together known as Baltic Sea Countries, or the Baltic States

US Senate refuse to ratify Treaty of Versailles, November 1919

Schleswig Plebiscites, 1920

Two plebiscites (held in Northern Schleswig and middle Schleswig) were to decide how Schleswig should be divided between Denmark and Germany. North Schleswig was returned to Denmark.

Little Entente, 1920 & 1921

This was an alliance formed by Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Yugoslavia with means of defense against Hungarian irredentism and preventing the Habsburg restoration.

Lenin�s New Economic Policy, 1921

In the Soviet Union, Lenin required peasant�s to provide the government with a certain amount of the surplus made on any agricultural, raw product and fodder and allowed them to keep the remaining surplus to use as capital or to trade for industrial goods.

Washington Naval Conference, November 1921 � February 1922

This conference was held outside of the League of Nations, in the United States. It was attended by the United States, France, Great Britain, Japan, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, and Portugal, the Soviet Union was not invited to this conference. It was the first the fist disarmament conference in history and resulted in the Four-Power Treaty, Five-Power Treaty, and the Nine-Power Treaty. These treaties were created as a means of keeping peace during the 1920�s.

Mussolini�s March on Rome, October 1922

March on Rome was the name given to the coup d'�tat when Mussolini came to power. This marked the beginning of fascist rule in Italy.

French Occupation of the Ruhr, January 1923

This was a means of reprisal after Germany was unable to fulfill the reparation payments of WWI

Beer Hall Putsch, November 1923

The Beer Hall Putsch became known as the failed attempt to throw the German government in Munich, Bavaria by Adolf Hitler, Erich Ludendorff, and other leaders of the Kampfbund.

Dawes Plan, 1924

The Dawes committee consisted of ten representatives, two from Belgium, France, Britain, Italy, and the United States. A plan was made to recover the reparations in which Germany owed. The five points of this plan were as follows;
1. The Ruhr area was to be evacuated by Allied occupation troops.
2. Reparation payments would begin at 1 billion marks for the first year and should rise over a period of four years to 2.5 billion marks per year.
3. The German Reich bank would be reorganized under Allied supervision.
4. Foreign loans (primarily from the United States) would be made available to Germany.
5. The sources for the reparation money should include transportation, excise, and custom taxes.
This plan provided short term economic benefits to the German economy.

Locarno Treaties, 1925

These treaties involved seven agreements negotiated in Lacarno, Switzerland from October 5 � October 16, 1925. France, Russia, Britain, Italy, and the US

rights interwar years timeline.

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