[2005-11-21|12:24 a.m.]

dear diary;

i just had the best goodnight conversation with my mum evs. this is how it went;

mum: you dont have time for a job...

(brooke pretends to fake having a heart attack and falls over to hit the wall and pretend to start sinking into the ground making faces of death and gasping for air, mum notices, but doesnt stop to aknowlege and just keeps talking)

mum still:...right now with school and everything else. plus, its almost christmas and you'd need to get that time off.

brooke: i... i cant breathe... help... help me

mum: i'll give you a little bit of money to get 3 or 4 of your friends presents, so dont worry about that.

brooke: HELP

mum: werrierrr. werier. go to bed werrier


brooke: warrior

mum: can you turn off the light.

brooke: kbye

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