[2005-10-19|1:26 p.m.]

dear diary;

i'm still sick. STIILLLLL.

but thats okay because the doctor gave me a few drugs because my illness is a mystery. so now i get to pick and chose and hopefully be better by tomorrow!??! i started taking meds yesterday, so there is hope on the horizon.

wtf? hope on the horizon? ... gosh.

anyways, today i probs could have gone to school but i didnt because i have SO MUCH HOMEWORK to catch up on! i sers have to finish my sketchbook today or lea is acctually going to break my neck. bio i have to do chapter 6 notes and study for 2 chapters tests. english i have way to fucking much to do to even be able to comprehend it. and then i have to learn an entire pure math unit in 2 days. cool right!?

i really wish i could taste things. or at least smell. oh, AND my aunt is getting married on saturday so i get to have dinner at the nicest restaurant in all of calgary? its like $150 just for one persons dinner? not even including drinks!! AND I WONT EVEN BE ABLE TO TASTE IT GOD DAMN!!!!!!

im supposed to be doing my sketchbook right now. or anything that is at least a little bit useful. i want a london fog. TOO BAD I WOULDNT BE ABLE TO TASTE IT ANYWAYYY!

i really miss having real friends.

bye diarryyyy.

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