[2005-07-15|3:01 p.m.]

dear diary,

warped was fun but i got really burnt and now i hurt alot. it took us 2 friggen hours to get back home and eric was driving his old truck so him and hayden and chris sat in the front and the rest of us (me, chad, his girlfriend and anthony) had to ride in the back and lay down everytime a cop was around so that we didnt get a ticket? it kind of sucked and was really bumpy. anyways, when we got back everyone was hungry so we went to wendys to get food. the only thing i had to eat up until that point was a frigging venti light roast coffee from starbucks that morning and of course because wendys is sweet they dont sell effing veggie burgers??!*&@*%^*!^@&#

anyways. aside from being burnt and tired and hungry, it was a good day. we got to chill with the guys from underoath for a good 15 minutes, they're such nice down to earth guys.

i have to work in an hour and im too tired to be alive right now. fuck work. alsjdnoeiuksa!


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