[2005-04-24|9:12 p.m.]

dear diary,

this weekend me and danyell and kaitlyn went to edmonton for danyells birthday. it was fun. we took the bus and on the way there this really creepy old guy with long hair was like hitting on us?! thats cute right? but it was so fun. obviously just because it was us three.

im in a really weird mood right now. i miss alot of people alot. i feel like i havent seen anyone since the begining of time. i keep meaning to call people. but then i just get lazy or forget and then get mad at myself for being lazy or forgetting. if you're reading this then just know that i probably miss you. and im sorry for being a jerk.

i have alot of things to do tonight. i miss skating alot, but i dont think im going to go back. its weird because when i quit last year, i didnt acctually think it through or anything. it was spur of the moment type thing and i figured i'd just take a break for a few months and then go back next season. and now that im thinking im probably not going to go back, i feel like im acctually losing a huge piece of me. its strange.

on friday gabby and i went to john's house to hear the new band. im not going to lie, im probably really impressed and im probably already in love with it. i cant wait for them to start playing shows. although i suppose that might be a while away.

okay, wellllll, goodnight diary.
love brooke.

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