[2005-04-11|8:23 p.m.]

dear diary,

i am leaving for maui in 8 hours. thats cute right?

today i didnt go to school. instead i woke up at 9, and then sat on the computer for a bit. went to beaverbrook at lunch to say bye to danyell and then went to toys r us with eryn. there was this toy there that was an iron. for kids?!?!? and it was in this big box with a picture of a little girl ironing on the front. and i took a picture but i cant seem to upload it where i usually upload pictures, so alas i just have to explain it. and yeah. i just thought it was really funny. they're getting to the girls so young now. seriously.

what kind of stupid six year old girl wants an iron for her birthday?!??!?!@*&%

so anyways. i didnt get to see hannah tonight, which is sort of sad. i will miss her and stuff. and i havent talked to hayden since about friday. which is also kind of neat, right? NO NOT REALLY?!

i only got to see 3 of the people i wanted to before i leave. but i guess thats pretty good. danyell, and then eryn and i basically spent the weekend together, and then caralyn and i went for coffee yesterday which basically just made me reallyreally happy.

ohhh maannnnnn... im not going to sleep tonight. theres no point. i dont go to bed till 2 or 3 anyways, and i have to get up at 4. yo shiiiiiit.

i am a little shaken up as we are not going to be home for THE FIRST NEW EPISODE OF EVERWOOD! and its the one where you find out if efrom finds out he has a kid!!!! feeeccckkkkk.

okay. well. i guess i will miss you until i get home. BYE DIARY!

love brooke.

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