[2005-04-04|6:32 p.m.]

dear diary,

today was acctually pretty good for being the first day back at school. i did absolutely nothing in all my classes and then i had double spare in which i just rode around the bus and got to see kris and caralyn and cyndi and austin. it was nice.

afterschool mum bought me a new shirt and new shoes and another new bathing suit for duh trip. kewt. i dont wear bathing suits.

tonight im going out with kailey for the first time in like a fricking year. well not really. but its been a while. neat. uummmm.

i basically just wish that my friends would come home from vacation and that it was already summer.

in the last week i've been asked by at least 10 different people if i wear fake eyelashes. YO WTF?!

im in a good mood.


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