[2005-02-14|10:56 p.m.]

i just hope that one day i will learn that sitting on the computer and listening to music and drawing pictures and writing letters and drinking alot of coffee and tea really isn't going to get me anywhere.

its four minutes until eleven oclock p.m. and i still have to write 8 1/2 paragraphs for journalism, read 5 scenes in macbeth alongside acctually understanding it, and do my math homework! but im going to bed at 12, so we'll see how much of that gets done.

today hannah and i went to beave on double spare. it was pretty okay, and we got lost on the way back and got back to school 20 minutes late. i had mr haynes and i'd rather die then going to his class late, so we just sat in the library and planned out double spare for the rest of ever. we got some pretty good things down including piercings, buying a kitten for me, getting tickets for the last bees show in march and doing some pretty risky if-we-go-acctually-go-to-last-period-afterwards things!

im seriously hoping i dont die of anticipation before this weekend gets here. and by tuesday, my life will officially either be over or 7499476568 times more interesting. EEEEEE! how exciting is it when you can say something like that?!?

2 more days. 2 more days. TWO MORE DAYS BITCHEZZZ!

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