[2005-02-07|8:34 p.m.]

everyone's at tegan and sara and im sitting at home because my mom hates me?

but thats okay because im pretty rediculously happy with being right here for no reason at all right now. i guess im also kind of really fucking happy that im going back to skating soon. i never acctually thought it was possible to miss it this much.

hannah and i went shopping afterschooooool today and i got a really kewt new jacket and a scarf and some freakin sweet ass earings and a shirt thats from an elementary school in banff all for $4.47!

i really like ben folds. and im really sad that hayden is going to be gone for so long. school is going to be terrible for that week or so. im also sad cassandra is going to be gone for a long time.

im having coffee with two of the people i miss most tomorrow, kristopher s and rebecca o, im super happy about that.

i havent seen jeff b in a long time. i guess i kiiiind of miss him too.

just kidding i do alot!

im going to go eat some ice cream and do some math now. goodnight computer.

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