
nobody ever for-real quits this place.

well they probably do, but i always have something to say. soooo... to stop writing in this here diary would be silly. although i dont think many people read this new diary of mine. um, im going to stop talking about this now?

so show last night. it was pretty alright. things didnt exactly go as planned, but all was good i suppose. hayden /joel / dallas / rose / kris had a sleep-over after. it was cute. we sat in the middle of my basment with coffee really really late and it was all boiz play guitar gurlz sing along stylez. cuuuuuute.

i love my friends alot.

i miss rebecca x's 545181283719999999.

i was listening to mineral tonight for the first time in months. it was really nice. it reminded me of tina a little tiny small bit. because mineral always does??

christmas present exchange at rose's tomorrow night. uuuggggghhh. roses present isnt even in calgary yet and joel and haydens definately aren't um, good to wrap yet? i dont know how else to say it because i dont want them to read this and find cluuuess!

its now one am on wednesday morning and im drowning in things i have to have done by tomorrow slash thursday slash moms birthday and above all, christmas. so on that note i think i will be off to bed. goodnight computer.

p.s. i lost my digital camera AND i died my hair

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